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Does your child enjoy learning activities at preschool?

Our quiz is designed for children aged 4+ years. Select Not yet if not applicable.

What does your child enjoy most?

How quickly does your child understand things?

How much time does your child spend on outdoor/indoor games?

Choose the lowest time option if not applicable.

Wants to be a sports star when they grow up?

Our quiz is designed for children aged 4+ years. Select No if not applicable.

Does your child actively participate in sports?

Our quiz is designed for children aged 4+ years. Select Not regularly if not applicable.

Does your child enjoy drawing?

Our quiz is designed for children aged 4+ years. Select No if not applicable.

Has your child made any artwork you were really proud of?

Our quiz is designed for children aged 4+ years. Select Not yet if not applicable.

How much time does your child spend on drawing?

Choose the lowest time option if not applicable.

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